My name is Janice Taylor, and I am our country’s premiere Weight Loss Artist! A weight loss artist is someone who makes arts & crafts about food instead of eating and, in the process, loses weight! I permanently removed over 50 pounds.
One day (8 years ago) I rolled out of bed (literally), took an honest look in the bathroom mirror. Yikes!!! I looked like Violet from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. One more mint, and I would explode. My fat rolls had grown their own fat rolls. I was multiplying!!! It was a depressing moment to be sure, but nevertheless, a turning point.
I decided right then and there to do something about it. So I made my way to a weight loss meeting wherein I weighed-in. It was my highest number ever. I then joined the group for the lecture portion of the meeting with tears in my eyes, and I thought, I’m never going to make it.
Janice crafted this Fortune Cookie Frame pasting fortunes to help control heathly weight loss.
That’s when I heard the voice. I later learned that the voice was Our Lady of Weight Loss. Our Lady said to me, If you think you’re never going to make it, you never will. You’re an artist. Make weight loss an art project. In that moment, my energy, my outlook, my entire being shifted dramatically. It was as if I had been hit in the head with a Zen celery stick. I went from depressed to excited. From feeling deprived and defeated and empty to overflowing with happiness!
Instead of focusing entirely on the food plan, the exercise, the diet and making weight loss a big, fat, unhappy drag; instead I chose to eat healthfully, and use the weight loss process as inspiration for art. I was on a mission to make weight loss fun!!!
Scientists have known for eons that creating makes us feel good; that crafting is therapeutic and it boosts our self-esteem. Crafting activates the creative part of your brain, keeps your hands busy puts you in the flow. And big bonus - It's difficult to eat with glue and glitter on your hands! You wouldn't want to get food on your work, would you? Hours fly on by without thoughts of eating! Crafting is a powerful tool - for life and for weight loss!
In addition, studies show that those who keep food journals, lose weight faster and more easily. So for crafters, for those of us who love to scrap-book, you can combine keeping a food journal with making a scrapbook. You can track your food and make it pretty. Add photos, too! A double win.
So there you have it! If you want to permanently remove the excess weight (vs. losing it and finding it again), join with me and make weight loss fun. Craft yourself skinny!
Janice Taylor is a Weight Loss Artist, Weight Loss Coach, and Author of OUR LADY OF WEIGHT LOSS
Great article Janice! Love ya "Holly V"
Posted by: Holly | June 01, 2009 at 04:43 AM
Janice, what an inspiring,fun article! A wonderful idea to create a cool food journal. I'm o my way to your site to learn more! Thanks a million!
Posted by: Cheryl @ Mandala Oasis | June 06, 2009 at 09:02 PM